Social Ministries and Services


Our pantry distributes food to those in need every Wednesday between the hours of 12:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. in the church hall. Everyone receiving food must be registered. Registration occurs only during the above times. Please call Joe Spicketts 212-564-9070 ext. 2 03 for any additional information.

Pennies for our Pantry: A container is set up in the parish office where you can deposit any loose change you may have. Every penny counts!

Our Food Pantry greatly appreciates each and every offering we receive in our efforts to provide food for the needy. The past four years have been a struggle as depressed economic conditions have forced us to deal with the reality of diminishing donations. We are now at a point of urgency to maintain a food pantry here at St. John’s. This year, as the holiday season approaches, it will be difficult to overcome the financial obstacles that impede our mission as never before.

Clearly we understand the monetary pressures most families encounter, and hope that by asking for help we are not presenting a burden. The facts are that our cost for feeding a family of four in our pantry is approximately $25.00 per week. On an average weekly basis we feed 800 people, bringing our annual total of people fed to over 40,000. If you can assist us by caring for one family’s bag of food, or whatever you can afford, our gratitude would be immense. If you choose to assist us, please use the orange holiday appeal envelopes that can be found in either vestibule of the church.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):

Do you or someone you know need to complete the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist)? Interested in becoming a member of the Roman Catholic Church? Join the Rite of Christian Initiation Program at St. John’s! This year’s instructional program has begun and further planning is already underway. To inquire or enroll call Joan Prenty at ext. 217.


The Third Order of St. Francis (the Secular Franciscan Order) is a Way of Life Seeking Greater Holiness. It is intended for Catholic Men & Women, Married or Single, desiring a communal path to God in imitation of our Holy Father Francis. For more information, call 212-564-9070.